Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California


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Six months ago when I was in California, I found out that one of my oldest friends was pregnant (guys – I’m a total crier when it comes to stuff like this and she told me in a restaurant ????. It was awkward when the waiter came over). The first question I asked was, “are you serious!?” and then of course, the second question was, “can I take your maternity photos?” I love being able to document moments like this for my friends & family – and y’all, she’s the cutest little pregnant thing. I can’t even deal with her belly & that the next time I see her, she’ll have a little baby boy!! She modeled for us in Vegas at Red Rocks & her belly was SO tiny then (see those gorgeous photos here!!).

Amy is considered to be my parents 3rd daughter – she was always a staple at family dinners during high school (and after!). She’s from Boston so years ago we originally bonded over the east coast, and then our friendship grew from there. We’ve had so many incredible memories together and I can’t wait for new ones with her little nugget! HOW ARE WE OLD ENOUGH TO GET MARRIED & HAVE BABIES!? I was so honored to be able to stand with her the day that she got married (here are some snippets from that day!) & I can’t believe I’m going to be an aunt in a month ❤️.

We shot these portraits at Newport Beach over Memorial Day weekend – and there were so. many. people. The sunset was absolute perfection & we even saw a pod of dolphins surfing in the waves! It was pretty much the most California moment you could ever have ????. These photos might be some of my favorite that I’ve ever shot – you’ll see why. Chris & Amy, I love you & can’t wait to meet your baby boy soon!!

couple at beach

couple kissing at beach

pregnant mom and dad

pregnant mom and dad with surfer

husband and pregnant wife

husband and pregnant wife at beach

couple with pregnant wife

pregnant woman at beach

pregnant woman

pregnant couple

pregnant mom and dad with surfer

couple with baby belly

couple looking at each other

couple cradling baby belly

couple kissing

husband and pregnant wife

husband and wife looking at each other

pregnant woman at beach

pregnant woman in ocean

pregnant woman in water

woman looking at pregnant belly

dad kissing baby belly

husband and pregnant wife in water

pregnant woman walking into the ocean

man and pregnant woman running

pregnant woman at sunset

pregnant woman looking out at ocean

husband and wife looking at each other

couple close together

husband looking at wife

pregnant woman wearing formal gown

pregnant couple at beach

pregnant couple on beach

pregnant woman at sunset

pregnant couple at ocean

pregnant woman in formal gown

pregnant woman at sunset on beach

pregnant woman in long sleeve dress

pregnant woman with long sleeved dress

silhouette of pregnant woman at sunset

husband and wife pregnant

husband holding pregnant wife

husband and wife looking at each other

pregnant woman and beach

pregnant woman looking at belly

pregnant woman holding belly

pregnant woman holding belly looking at camera

couple walking at beach


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HI, I'M caitlin

New Hampshire based wedding and family photographer
