If you’ve been reading this blog for long enough, you’ll know that every year I swear that I’ve had the best couples ever…auntil the next year rolls around and I’m all, “SQUIRREL!” and I’m dying over those sessions, and so the hamster wheel keeps turning.
But I digress. This year, I had some of the most amazing and sweet couples and engagement sessions (plus a proposal or two thrown in for good measure!). Truly, these people make my job 1000% times easier because they’re just SO fun to hang out with and photograph! I could have made this post 57 million times longer than it needed to be, but I condensed it down to a nice 97 images for you ????. It was such a great year with some really gorgeous places and sweet people…did I say that already? Alright, alright, onto the photos. Oh, and PS: there are a few Easter eggs & outtakes that I couldn’t help but share (I always try to include at least one in every gallery!). My favorite this year was of my future brother in law ????. See if you can spot it!
Photographed in: New Hampshire, California, Mexico, & Oregon.

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